Majorcan Style

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Bricosegur Manacor | Serveis de fusteria a mida

Majorcan Style Rocking Chair in Manacor

One of the spoilers of the BRICOsegur family. The Majorcan Style Rocking Chair always knows how to find the middle ground between elegance and practicality.

We offer a variety of finishing options, from carcass to fabric. Here are some options for you to check.

Bricosegur Manacor | Serveis de fusteria a mida

Majorcan tradition

Wood, always present in Mallorca and especially in Manacor, has left a set of utensils that have been used for decades and even centuries, and that are still used today.

Bricosegur Manacor | Serveis de fusteria a mida

Majorcan Style Table in Manacor

At BRICOsegur we like to spread the many benefits of the Oval Majorcan Style Table. From its welcoming aesthetics to energy efficiency when it comes to warming up the whole family.

Bricosegur Manacor | Serveis de fusteria a mida

At BRICOsegur Manacor you will find the usual Round Majorcan Style Table and the Oval one with more capacity. BRICOsegur Manacor dresses the Majorcan Style Table with more than 50 options between dresses, pillows and other fabrics that will bring home the Majorcan essence and character.

Il·luminació típica mallorquina a Mallorca
Il·luminació típica mallorquina a Mallorca
Bricosegur Manacor | Serveis de fusteria a mida


Bricosegur Manacor | Serveis de fusteria a mida
Other typical Majorcan furniture that you can find at BRICOsegur.

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